Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ten Day Challenge- Eight

Eight Fears-

1.) The obvious...losing someone in my family. I was affected by tragic loss at an early age, as my Dad and grandmother died just months apart when I was still a toddler. It all scares me so much.
One of the only pics I have of my Dad and I- taken the day I was born

2.) Snakes. Slithery concealed tubes of poison. No thank you.

3.) Flying. My favorite part of flying? Landing. Safely landing.

4.) Failure. If I decide to do something, I want to succeed. I will put everything I have into making it the best. I don't believe in half doing things. Details matter. Every little detail matters.

5.) People not liking me. I often worry about people not liking me. I know some folks say they don't care what others think. Well, I do. No one gets anywhere alone, so I think every single relationship matters.

6.) This number. Hate it. Everything about this number scares me. 

7.) Home invasion.

8.) Cancer. It is brutal and has taken some of the best people I've known, including Shane's Dad, just this Spring. I never want to experience it with anyone ever again. Bob Oldham was one of the most remarkable men I have ever met.