Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What's your dill, Pickle? :)

Carolyn, a dear friend of ours who lives in Northwest Tennessee gave me what my Mamaw would have called a 'mess' of homegrown cucumbers- translation: a large amount!

She also gave me her recipe for 10 day sweet pickles (see below). I have the sweet babies ready for their 10 days of turning into delicious goodness, but I also found a quick mix and recipe for dill pickles. And since, Carolyn gave me a big mess of cucumbers, I thought I would make a little of both.

This was my first experience canning and I am quite pleased with my finished work! (Note: they are as good as they look!)
I used a Mrs. Wages mix for these...and a tutorial from this site to teach me about the actual canning process- http://www.freshpreserving.com

I look forward to canning many other fresh, homemade goodies!

Carolyn's Ten Day Sweet Pickles

2 gallons cucumbers, sliced or chunked (unpeeled and scrubbed)
1 gallon water
2 cups pickling salt (found in spice area with rest of salt)
Mix.  Pour over cucumbers (put in non-plastic container).  Let stand for four days;  drain.  Let cucumbers stand in clear water for three days.  Place into kettle.
1 gallon water
2 tbsp. powdered alum
1 cup vinegar (5% acidity)
Mix and add to kettle with cucumbers.  Place on stove and simmer for 2 hours.  Do Not Boil.  Drain off liquid. 
Add: to cucumbers-3 quarts vinegar
                             3 quarts sugar
                             1 tsp whole pickling spice
                             3 sticks of cinnamon
Bring to boil.  Turn off and let cool down. Repeat this process for three days and on the thrid day place pickles in jars and cover with hot solution and seal.   I use Ball jars and lids for these.   If you have the above amount will make 9-10 pints.