Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sick Baby

I don't like when my baby is sick...and sick she is.

Miss L started showing cold symptoms Friday evening. Her teacher said she wasn't her bubbly self during the day. It all started with sneezing and has gradually worsened since. It hurts my heart.

After a weekend at home with Grams in town, the cold just wasn't going away. Nana came up last minute yesterday morning so I could go into the office for about four hours. (Thanks for making the two hour drive just to watch Miss L, Nana! We are so blessed to have you!)

When I got home, Nana said Miss L (or as she calls her, 'Early Bird') just laid on her the whole time I was gone. She suggested Layla may have strep throat since she had a small rash on her face, fever and awful breath. 

I tried to make an appointment for the doctor yesterday, but the earliest I could get was for today at 11:15.

Lots of cold medicine, boogie wipes and loving...

And then 4 a.m. rolled around and I heard Miss L. crying in her sleep. I went up to her room and lifted her from her crib. She was a ball of fire. Shane and I worked to get her fever down and had her in her pediatrician's office at 8 a.m.

Dr. Ellis, just like Nana, suggested it could be strep, but it came back negative. Layla started with a simple cold and the infection has moved to her ears. This is the first ear infection she has had. 

So, she is on antibiotics and we are hoping she gets better really soon.

She is not eating much, but is drinking Pedialyte. I did whip up a chicken, rice, stemmed carrots and chicken broth concoction that I am going to convince her to love when she wakes up. :)
One of the perks of being sick...getting to take over Mommy and Daddy's bed. :)