Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ten Day Challenge- Eight

Eight Fears-

1.) The obvious...losing someone in my family. I was affected by tragic loss at an early age, as my Dad and grandmother died just months apart when I was still a toddler. It all scares me so much.
One of the only pics I have of my Dad and I- taken the day I was born

2.) Snakes. Slithery concealed tubes of poison. No thank you.

3.) Flying. My favorite part of flying? Landing. Safely landing.

4.) Failure. If I decide to do something, I want to succeed. I will put everything I have into making it the best. I don't believe in half doing things. Details matter. Every little detail matters.

5.) People not liking me. I often worry about people not liking me. I know some folks say they don't care what others think. Well, I do. No one gets anywhere alone, so I think every single relationship matters.

6.) This number. Hate it. Everything about this number scares me. 

7.) Home invasion.

8.) Cancer. It is brutal and has taken some of the best people I've known, including Shane's Dad, just this Spring. I never want to experience it with anyone ever again. Bob Oldham was one of the most remarkable men I have ever met. 

Ten Day Challenge- Nine

I somehow deleted the first day of this challenge and considered not continuing with it since I did so, but oh well...onto nine, anyway. :)

Nine Loves-

1.) Shane and Layla

2.) My family

3.) My friends

4.) God

5.) Memories

6.) Opportunities

7.) My hobbies (wakeboarding, swimming, sewing, my embroidery and Cricut machines, photography, writing, gardening, cooking)

8.) Hosting parties

9.) Traveling

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Baby Brady's Gentleman's Party

We were blessed to host Clint and Lindsay at our house this evening to celebrate the upcoming arrival of their son, Brady, with many of their friends and family members.

We kept it simple since guys were coming and everyone showered the new parents with gift cards (guys don't typically like all of the gift giving fuss). And I have always loved replacing cards with children's books inscribed with messages for the baby.

And we had booze! Not typical for Tennessee showers...but, I say...why not? :) No worries. There was good solid food- all man food, of course. Beef sliders, BBQ pizza, wings, Hooter's Hotwing dip, bacon wrapped chicken and nachos.

I think the party was fitting for our friends Clint and Lindsay. They are two very sophisticated, yet down to earth people. Their little boy is one lucky fella. They have so much to offer him. He's gonna be handsome and beautiful, smart, happy, witty, proper, fun, popular and have the best Southern manners any child can have. :)


(I've obviously blurred out last names, addresses and contact info on the pic of the invites)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Children's Museum of Memphis

Here's some pics from our recent trip to the Children's Museum...Miss L loved it!

A few steps...

A few steps...and a celebration!

All was silent in the Oldham household this evening as Daddy led Layla towards the Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Mommy was dangling in front of Miss L's face. And then she did it...she took a a few steps! Mommy and Daddy started clapping, screaming and grinning from ear to ear!

She's not exactly a walker, but she's isn't far from it.

I wish I could say I work with her as much as Shane does, but I can't. I give in when she starts fussing and doesn't want to practice. I just snuggle her, instead. I know. It's just so hard for me. I don't want her to dislike it. Shane is such a driven person and he is instilling this great quality in our girl...even with this task. :)

She'll be running up and down the hallway before we know it!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Tonight's Read

This book is the first Christmas gift I received from Layla. :)

Welcome to the world Baby Cole!

The newest addition to our family is here! Cole Riley Liller was born today, weighing in at 9 lbs. 1 oz. and 21 3/4 inches long!

And although his mother and I are not technically sisters, she and I are connected spiritually and have been for nearly 20 years. I love my Katie with all I have and it is so wonderful to share in her joy! Cole is a blessed little boy to have Katie as his mother. She is one of the kindest and most gentle souls I have ever known. It comes natural for her...she is so much like her own mother.

So, in all of this happiness I have for my Katie, Jamie and Gavin...I'm a little selfish for myself. I've never liked that we live so far apart and days like today make Daytona Beach seem like it is on the other side of the world. Katie and I talk every day...sometimes for a ridiculous length of time and sometimes it is even three or four times in one day. But, that can never replace these moments. I wish I could have been there.

With that, tomorrow comes and I am so blessed to know that I will get to watch this new person grow into the wonderful human being he is destined to be. Even of it is from afar. As long as we are in Tennessee, this baby has a fan here. :)

Congratulations Katie, Jamie and Gavin! We love you!

Here's some pics the new Mommy sent me via text. He's beautiful!:

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

In her time...

Today was Orientation Day at Layla's new school- where she is enrolled in Mother's Day Out for three half days a week. Class starts Friday, but our girl won't be starting with the rest of her class since she still isn't walking on her own. :(

We've tried all of the tricks, bought new shoes, bought fancy push toys and begged and begged, but she is for sure on her own time. Miss L. will walk anywhere, anytime as long as she has something to push or a finger to hold onto. She just needs the confidence to do it on her own.

Our efforts to teach her to walk remind me of the Trace Adkins song, 'You're Gonna Miss This.'

So, while I think it will be wonderful to get back into the office and have my baby in school with other children her age, it is bittersweet.

Sometimes I want her to hurry up, but maybe her taking her time walking isn't so bad. These are moments that we will never get back and one thing is for the end of the day, I lay my head down thinking how I can make her life happy and fulfilling. And I know it is by letting her do things in her own time and not rushing her moments away.

Here's some snapshots from school (taken with Daddy's phone since Mommy forgot her camera):

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What's your dill, Pickle? :)

Carolyn, a dear friend of ours who lives in Northwest Tennessee gave me what my Mamaw would have called a 'mess' of homegrown cucumbers- translation: a large amount!

She also gave me her recipe for 10 day sweet pickles (see below). I have the sweet babies ready for their 10 days of turning into delicious goodness, but I also found a quick mix and recipe for dill pickles. And since, Carolyn gave me a big mess of cucumbers, I thought I would make a little of both.

This was my first experience canning and I am quite pleased with my finished work! (Note: they are as good as they look!)
I used a Mrs. Wages mix for these...and a tutorial from this site to teach me about the actual canning process-

I look forward to canning many other fresh, homemade goodies!

Carolyn's Ten Day Sweet Pickles

2 gallons cucumbers, sliced or chunked (unpeeled and scrubbed)
1 gallon water
2 cups pickling salt (found in spice area with rest of salt)
Mix.  Pour over cucumbers (put in non-plastic container).  Let stand for four days;  drain.  Let cucumbers stand in clear water for three days.  Place into kettle.
1 gallon water
2 tbsp. powdered alum
1 cup vinegar (5% acidity)
Mix and add to kettle with cucumbers.  Place on stove and simmer for 2 hours.  Do Not Boil.  Drain off liquid. 
Add: to cucumbers-3 quarts vinegar
                             3 quarts sugar
                             1 tsp whole pickling spice
                             3 sticks of cinnamon
Bring to boil.  Turn off and let cool down. Repeat this process for three days and on the thrid day place pickles in jars and cover with hot solution and seal.   I use Ball jars and lids for these.   If you have the above amount will make 9-10 pints.

She really is a duckmaster...

Here's some snapshots from our morning walk at the park...

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Babies, babies, babies!

We had a day full of babies! And what a wonderful day it was!

Layla and I drove all the way to Pickwick this morning...just to have lunch with our sweet cousins (and a cousin's husband, too). :)

I have been close with my younger cousins Jennifer and Anna for as long as I can remember. 

Jennifer lives in East Tennessee and Anna lives in it is always a treat when I get to spend time with these sisters.

We hit up the buy one get one free sale at Spoiled Rotten children's store (they love bows and Southern children's boutiques as much as I do) in Pickwick and had a nice lunch at Redwood Hut. 

With four little girls, you can imagine our table was wild. Poor Drew (Jen's husband). He handled it well!

Here's some pics outside the restaurant. Getting pics of the girls wasn't an easy task.


Morgan Claire

Evelyn Marie

Ella Grace

Layla Rhae

After lunch, Layla and I rushed back to Memphis because she, Daddy and I had a special date with our friends Nick and Laura...and their new baby, Jones! This was the first dinner outing with the new mister, so it was a really special meal. :) Mellow Mushroom in Germantown a great place to take children! And everyone loves pizza! 

Sweet baby Jones slept through dinner, but I was able to see his baby blues for a short bit during a little snuggle time. He is such a good baby. And he is blessed with wonderful parents. I love seeing our dear friends with their wonderful gift. They are naturals with him.

 Here's a pic of Laura and I with our babies- LOVE IT!

Layla's Friday afternoon...Daddy style

So, I was a little under the weather yesterday. Some sort of bug...feeling better now.

Miss L. didn't mind at all though! Her Daddy came home early from work to take care of her, so I could indulge in some Theraflu, McAllister's chicken salad on a croissant with chicken tortilla soup, orange juice, a hot shower and sleep (that's my remedy for every 'bug' I catch).

So, it was Daddy and Layla's afternoon!

They took a trip to the mall...Daddy style. She was in nothing but a diaper and a Guy Harvey fishing onesie with a big ole marlin on the front of it. No bow. No shoes. No pants. No extra diaper. No sippy cup.  AND SHE HAD A BLAST!

She came home with a very 'Daddy-like' pair of New Balance tennis shoes. Much different than her super cute summer sandals that are adorned in peony flowers. :)

Our girl loves shoes. All shoes. Every size, color and design. And she has been going to town in her new kicks. Daddy and Layla walked up and down our street the rest of the afternoon. No stroller needed. Just Daddy's hand. And although she never let go and took a step on her own...we know it is coming soon.

I was too sluggish to get out of bed yesterday, but here's a pic of Layla doing her thang in the street this kicks and all.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Sesame Street keeping it wedding bells for Bert and Ernie

Seriously people...a petition to have Bert and Ernie get married? Please keep your political motives out of my child's educational programming.

I want my baby to learn the difference between inside and outside, the letter of the day, the 'word on the street,' how to count, etc. I don't want ANY politically driven group coming in and messing with the core curriculum of this wonderful show that I have loved since my youth.

I am not saying I am for or against same sex marriage...I am saying take your stance to your State Capitals and up on the Hill in Washington...leave it out my living room during that one hour of innocent television viewing PBS offers my child Monday through Friday. I am also not saying heterosexuality is 'innocent' either. I don't want anything that has the word 'sex' in it presented to my one year old. And for the record, I would be just as appalled if Abby Cadabby married Elmo.

High five to the folks at Sesame Workshop for this statement- released through Facebook this morning:
Bert and Ernie are best friends.  They were created to teach preschoolers that people can be good friends with those who are very different from themselves.   Even though they are identified as male characters and possess many human traits and characteristics (as most Sesame Street Muppets™ do), they remain puppets, and do not have a sexual orientation.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What I'm loving Wednesday...

Pink Heals Tour.

Memphis stop- Oct. 19, noon-6 at Dobbs Ford and Lincoln at Wolfchase.

Last year, I was honored to join Shane at one of his dealerships for a wonderful event that raises money for women's cancer. This year, I am more than honored to have been asked to help with planning the event.

The kick off planning meeting was held this morning and the Memphis stop of the 2011 Tour is set to be an amazing event.

I can't offer words through this message to really explain the meaning and significance of this tour, so check out this video from last year...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Officially registered for Mother's Day Out!

Miss L. is set to gain a little independence from Mommy...

She was recently accepted to a local Catholic school and we made it official with registration today. :)

I'm not gonna lie, I totally choked up telling the principal her name the second we walked into the cafeteria. The laughter and excitement coming from all of the children made me so happy and it took me a moment to get it together as I thought about the fact that Shane and I are there in our lives together now. I mean, I know, it's just Mother's Day Out and not preschool or kindergarten, but it is a big deal for us, as Miss L. has been with me since the day we brought her home (with a little babysitting from others here and there). By the way, Layla started giggling the second we walked in...and didn't stop! She loves being around other children!

We're not Catholic and have a lot to learn, but we are very pleased with our decision to send Miss L. to this school.

Mommy is looking forward to getting back into the office and being able to serve the hardwood industry (which she loves so much) on a much more consistent basis, instead of just during nap times. :)

So, the class calendar is now hanging on our refrigerator, I have the list of supplies my baby needs, a Mommy school shirt and her nap mat cover in the dryer...all we are waiting on is Miss L. to start walking!

Did I mention walking is a requirement? :)

One Year Check Up!

Our 4 lbs. 4 oz. preemie is now 22 lbs. and 28 inches long!

Miss L. had her one year check up today...and besides her screaming from the second Dr. Ellis walked in until the time we were halfway to Germantown, all went well. :)

Dr. Ellis says she is doing great and is right where she should be developmentally- even though she is not walking.  She's still in the 50th percentile in terms of size and he is pleased with everything.

As a result of research I have done on immunizations, I decided a long time ago to spread her shots out...instead of so many in one visit. We usually do half and go back a month later for the other half. 

So, she received a couple of shots today. And had blood drawn from a finger prick. Not the highlight of her day by any means.

Back to the screaming...geez, Louise! It was bad. I mean bad. I am afraid that the multiple trips to Arkansas Children's Hospital in Little Rock have made my baby scared of the doctor. The laser treatments she receives on her ear are brutal and I think she relates that pain to all doctors now. Good thing she doesn't have to go back to Little Rock for three or so months.

One thing is for sure, I remain grateful beyond explanation for our sweet girl. Shane and I often talk about how much we love her...being a parent is an incredible gift. And having our girl come so far medically this year is such a relief. I talk about the NICU experience often because it changed me. It changed my soul. Those uncertainties clouded my mind for a long time. I prayed and prayed that we would be right where we are a year later. I am forever grateful that God answered my prayers...

Layla on her birthday...

At her one year check up! 
(Destroying the paper on the patient bench and all smiles before the doctor came in!)